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Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Ming-Lun Hsu
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Clive Yi-Chung Pai
Department of Physical Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Mark Vaczi
Institute of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of Pecs, Hungary
Yuh-Shan Ho
CT HO Trend, Taiwan
Nawara Khirallah Abd el Fatah Abd el Ghany
Damanhour University, Egypt
Hiroshi Kawaguchi
Nadogaya Hospital, Japan
Hiroshi Kawaguchi
Nadogaya Hospital, Japan
Sanggon Nam
School of Nursing, Azusa Pacific University, USA
Hsien-Yuan Lane
Department of Psychiatry, China Medial University (CMU), Taiwan
Dal Negro Roberto Walter
Head of the Respiratory Section of the Sèecialist Medical center (CEMS) Verona, Italy
Juan Enrique Bender del Busto
International Center of Neurological Restoration (CIREN), Cuba